

By Phone

Administrative Offices 615-862-5969
Human Resources 615-880-3991
Customer Care
Schedule and Route Information, Customer Comments 615-862-5950
Access 615-880-3970
Access on Demand 615-862-5678
Route and Service Recommendations 615-862-5950
Communications & Public Information
Media Relations 615-862-4620
Public Records 615-862-4620
Film/Video 615-862-4620
Special Events/Facility Use 615-880-3982
Marketing & Sales
Advertising 615-880-3932
WeGo Ride 615-880-3932
StrIDe 615-862-5950
Group Sales 615-862-6142
Civil Rights
EEO/Affirmative Action Compliance Officer 615-880-3288
Title VI Coordinator 615-862-5626
ADA Coordinator 615-880-1596
DBE Officer 615-880-3984
Fraud, Waste, and Abuse
*Fraud, Waste, and Abuse 615-880-1546

*This number is intended for use to report suspected fraud, waste, or abuse of Nashville Metropolitan Transit Authority/Regional Transportation Authority of Middle Tennessee resources. Common examples of fraud, waste, and abuse include, but are not limited to, theft or misuse of government funded resources (e.g. time, vehicles), improper use or spending of government tax dollars, violations of agency procurement policies, and contract fraud.

By Mail

WeGo Public Transit
430 Myatt Drive
Nashville, TN 37115

