Bid Details


Contract No. RFP 2022051 - RFP 2022051 - WeGo Star Future Direction Strategy

Project Number: RFP 2022051
Title: RFP 2022051 - WeGo Star Future Direction Strategy

The Regional Transportation Authority of Middle Tennessee, d/b/a WeGo Star is seeking proposals from entities qualified to help lead RTA leadership to well-informed decisions as to the future direction of the Star Commuter Rail Line (Star) by recommending a comprehensive long term strategy to position Star to offer service that responds to altered customer demand resulting from pandemic-influenced changes in commuting patterns, optimize investments to maintain a state of good repair, and provide a sustainable financial structure for the Star’s operating and capital needs.  Please see solicitation document for scope of work and proposal submission requirements. Deadline for submitting proposals is June 9, 3:00 PM CT. A pre-proposal conference will be held via Webex at 10:00 AM April 26, 2022. Please email [email protected] to register and obtain meeting login information. WeGo Public Transit is an equal opportunity, equal access, affirmative action employer. 

Agency: RTA
Pre-Bid/Proposed Meeting Date: 4/26/2022
Last Day for Questions: 5/19/2022
Specification Number: RFP 2022051
Title: RFP 2022051 - WeGo Star Future Direction Strategy
Bid Documents
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Company Name:
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Spec. No.: RFP 2022051
Date: 6/9/2022 3:00:00 PM
Title: RFP 2022051 - WeGo Star Future Direction Strategy
Bid Deposit: None
Addendum: 6
Purchasing Contact: Denise Richardson


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Note: Bids are subject to review for completeness, accurary, and compliance with all terms and conditions in the bid specifications.


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Hatch Associates Consultants  